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our courtyard

On holidays, I often helped my aunt on the courtyard. I have reconstructed it bit by bit since 1996, with huge work and lot of patience. 

I am interested in historical yards long ago. Those yards I often found with my brother in South Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia.  Ancient timbered houses , ploughs and tractors fascinated myself always. The “Umgebindehäuser” on the yard … that was still a sound construction with clay. It kept warm in winter and chilly in summer.
I had to act, because this yard has to be vacant since 1988. The buildings dilapidated appreciably, equipment got rusty.

First of all, the barn was reconstructed by my brother, friends and acquaintances in 1996/97. The barrel vault was evacuated and re-stonewalled. In a dormer of a roof was resplendent a large hole. I participated in the competition “conservation of old building fabric with traditional building materials”.  The department of rural deve-lopment made the competition Saxony-wide out. It appreciated aged, original obtained building fabric.

It was not so difficult to renovate the external. But indoor a lot was missing. New planks, beams and a new treshing-machine were incorporated. A farmer from Frankenthal helped me in this process. He had a two storeyed barn with well preserved machines.

In 1998/99, the residential building, where once my aunt lived, was reconstructed.  20 people helped me to get down the roofing tiles. We had to renew the half-timbered house on the outer walls partly. I again participated in the competition “conservation of old building fabric” for this second stage.  At the first time I got a bonus, this time I obtained a certificate.

After 2000, the reconstruction of the earlier byre followed. The byre dated from 1786 and it is the oldest building on this fourside yard. The upper floor and the roof truss were completely rebuilt. The kitchen and the hall form the byre upstairs. On the ground floor are the toilets.

Past events on the four-sided courtyard Schmole:

  • In the end of August 1998, the first big cultural event took place. 800 people came to see the Crostwitzer brass musicians and the Czech associate band “Božejací”.
  • Since that time birthdays, weddings, christening celebrations, anniversaries, class reunions and project days take place on this fourside yard.
  • The amateur play group from Drachhausen performed there already twice. 
  • In the end of May 2002, visitors from whole Europe, the Youth of European Nationalities, spent a Sorbian evening on our yard.
  • The folklore ensemble Höflein celebrated its 25th anniversary.
Scene with the byre in the background
The old water pump

  © 2024 Vierseithof Schmole  
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